Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
Uh, no. Boo boos ban was based on this:
Not to mention a very long history of the same thing, if that wasn't obvious enough already.
It makes me laugh that people are all screaming Rodney King about this. We should have permabanned boobs a long time ago. People should have been screaming favoritism because we let him come back as many times as we did.
GB: Labyrinth - Best film ever? I think so.
Boo: i would back that 100% but i hate you so im changing my mind its no longer one of my favorite movies and david bowie sucks
Boo: ok nah i still love that movie
Boo: but i still hate you
GB: boobs - how cute. You just got unbanned and you're already starting ****. Smooth moves to be sure.
Boo: im betting the next time it'll be a year
GB: Personally I'd rather the mods just permabanned you and had done with it.
Boo: Well, its not at all an effective method in changing my attitude
Boo: if i think someone is a spaz i will call them one thats what i do bros
Boo: if you want to punish me, ban all the members i like
GB: boobs - I'm not interested in changing your attitude, I just think you're a total idiot. When (not if, WHEN) you get permabanned, I will be glad.
Boo: i dunno how the mods plan on handling me
Boo: im guessing they're just gonna make my bans last longer and longer until i get a perm one
Boo: if this forum wasnt going to crap i would be nicer
GB: The way I took it was that you've pretty much had your last warning. The words used were "We don't want to ban contributing members, but at the same time we're not going to let people get away with things forever"
Boo: Well, lets see. you attacked me unprovoked and i retaliated.
Boo: and somehow thats my fault
Boo: you are a terrible poster too and contribute nothing but snide condescension
GB: boobs - I mentioned labyrinth, without even mentioning or adressing you, and you then told me you hated me. Twice. I'm hardly the instigator of bad will here.
Boo: As for snide condescension, I don't think you know what those words mean.
Boo: i told you i hated you because i do
Boo: i hate you for a reason
Read more: http://www.musicbanter.com/announcem...#ixzz0zGag5bK6
The first personal attack in that convo is highlighted. It was not by boo boo, and it wasn't even retaliated by boo boo. He did a fine job avoiding conflict and articulating his stance without name-calling and/or personal flames. How is that not different than the past?
So what he gave a cheeky comment about the mods banning him again, he came back out of his ban with a sense of humor. Kill the poor ****er won't you?