Originally Posted by right-track
Zaqarbal...I think we both know the difference between saying "I hate Islam so much" and burning the Koran.
I guess the point is the divine nature of the holy paper. That changes it all. However, if you burn a Noam Chomsky's book, it wouldn't be an
incitement to political hate. Since religion is above everything, only religious books are made of divine paper. Right? It seems that a physical action fuse together with a moral action, but
only in regard to religion.
In addition: I don't know which is the difference between this possible ritual burning and all the already-existing videos on YouTube showing the same action.
Here you are a list.

Shocked? I'm not. As the famous movie says, "I've seen things some of you wouldn't believe": Bishops thrown out the window, satires of ridiculous cardinals,
irreverent and obscene depictions of the Last Supper...
...caustic mockeries of the Catholic hierarchy... Here, in the native country of the movie director who had the balls (and the wit) to film a flock of sheep next to a church, unmasking thus a religion by using its own stupid and humiliating metaphor.
All those things will be lost like the freedom of expression. Good luck in the new Caliphate of Al-Bion.