Originally Posted by RVCA
Book burnings have a different meaning in the 21st century. Books are easily reproducible and readily available. Someone tell the Floridian pastor this isn't the 17th century and that he is basically just donating money to the publisher of the Qur'an. Attention whore.
it really makes you wonder...what would happen if the media just packed up and left this quack to his own devices?....this morning 'abc' had a constant record on this ****heads double wide or excuse me...place of worship....waiting for this guy to say a word.....
Originally Posted by right-track
His logic is to take a religious book and burn it as a protest against those responsible for the attack on 9/11.
In other words, he's going to commit what will be perceived as an atrocity, in order to demonstrate his objection against another atrocity.
One religious nutter provoking a multitude of religious nutters is just what the world needs right now.
I doubt there's any reasoning with a blind bigoted moron like that man, no more than there will be any reasoning with the extreme lunatics hell bent on revenge and self righteous enough to retaliate.
In the meantime, decent men and woman are duty bound to stand by and watch this man burn the Koran, probably live on television too. And the most that can be done would be to arrest him for making a fire in a smokeless zone!
Where are all your crazy lone gunmen when you need one?
this guy has no logic...he is exactly like the weather balloon guy from a few months ago