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Old 09-09-2010, 01:36 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Ant-Tapes #1 - AORsampler


1. Mr. Mister - Welcome To The Real World
2. Signal - Arms Of A Stranger
3. The Ladder - Time Soldier
4. John Warren - The Chosen Few
5. Strangeways - Where Are They Now
6. It Bites - Yellow Christian
7. Icon - Shot At My Heart
8. Terry Brock - Diamond Blue
9. Chris Eaton - Love For The Common Man
10. Ambrosia - For Openers (Welcome Home)

This is my first sampler in this thread, made specifically in regards to a genre I feel needs a bit more exposure and a little less stigma from your average music snob - AOR.

Basically, its a variant of rock pioneered by such groups as Journey, Foreigner and Styx from the late 70's to the end of the 80's, also known as Melodic Rock or Adult-Oriented Rock. In other words, synth/guitar-dominated hard rock, emphasizing melodic guitar lines and occasionally awesome vocal delivery in relatively radio-friendly song lengths (though not always).

For the sake of everyone's sanity, I have cherrypicked songs and groups which don't bleed quite as much schmaltz as you might expect from a type of music related to hair metal, specifically songs that I think stand out in a good way. On a secondary note, most of the bands/artists included on this sampler never made it big despite usually sounding better than most of the more popular bands in their time.

Therefore, commercially aspiring as much of this material is, it sounds pretty damn good if you can overcome initial aversion to anything straightforward or 80's-esque. Hence, I encourage openmindedness as you listen.

Track list and the DL link are beneath the compilation art I made. Enjoy!
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Originally Posted by OccultHawk
I was called upon by the muses for greatness.
Originally Posted by Frownland
I'm bald, ja.

Last edited by Anteater; 09-09-2010 at 06:29 PM.
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