Music Banter - View Single Post - Church Plans on Burning Qur'an on September 11th
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Old 09-09-2010, 12:22 PM   #9 (permalink)
Still sends his reguards.
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this guy sincerely believes that god has told him to burn the qur'an (as it is a book of the devil) and that the only thing that will stop him is that god comes down and tells him no!....except this morning when he said he may stop if the president gives him a call he would deeply consider stopping the BURN!

when asked about him getting his 15 minutes of fame he replied....'oh nothing i do is ever about's all about god'....a side note is the his congregation has less than 30 people in it

when asked if he has read the qur'an...he replied 'yes. some of it' then when asked what part of the qur'an has upset him...he tried to change the subject...when confronted with the same question he replied 'the part that says they don't accept jesus as their personal saviour'

yeasterday he stated that he an overwhelming support from the citizens of america having received 200 qur'ans to burn

this guy is a complete idiot and i honestly feel he may not have any intention to actually burn these books....but at the last minute will have some divine vision or phone call form the president....and will stop the burn....this seems to me to more about publicity and his own personal ambition....just like this

its a real shame that imbeciles like this get press
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