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Old 09-04-2010, 02:41 AM   #13150 (permalink)
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I had an awesome day yesterday. Had to cancel plans from the other night to go for food and the cinema, but they were rearranged last night and I hung out with two of my best bro'z. We went to Nandos and to see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (which is ****ing mega, btw). Then all 3 of us went to see our friend Jade who's pretty poorly at the minute so we went round and watched House with her to cheer her up.

Today I'm working until 5 but it's gonna be pretty chilled in here so all's well. Then tonight I'm having to go and watch Muse with a friend who's forcing me to go with her. Not into Muse at all but they put on a great show and it'll be better than sitting in (maybe).

Solid 8/10 for me. I don't think I've ever rated my day/mood in here before, another forum I post on does it though.

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