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Old 09-04-2010, 02:05 AM   #493 (permalink)
Seemingly Silenced
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
In the past I was a moderator and at the same time a member.
If I appeared hypocritical it was probably because I had the mod hat on and the contrast would have been the posts made as a member...non of which were worthy of an infraction, or a ban.
As for not being "cuddly", then that would be because I was dealing with a member who wasn't exactly "cuddly" to begin with.
I argue less than you imagine. In fact I'd say I don't argue at all.
If you've seen me in a conflict with another member, then it would be as a mod dealing with someone who was abusing their right to be here.
I never chose to do what I did. Like the other mods, I was chosen to do it.
And I happen to think I did a good job.

And I'm NEVER bloody wrong!
You were the top mod when I got here, I don't think there's anyone here that would question about that.
My MB music journal

Originally Posted by OBEY
"Never trust your own eyes, believe what you are told".
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