Does God exist is an odd question.
Usually you have to define terms before you can discuss them. What does "God" mean?
I think people tend to gravitate to cosmologies that allow them to express their core parts with the least repercussions. That given, God has been defined many ways.
If you don't like restriction on your activities, you may tend to characterize God as a psychological production, born of primal need to explain things. That way any rules God might entail can't stop you.
If you need support, you might create God for yourself as some all-powerful, all knowing, all loving being.
If you can't accept "I don't know" as an explanation, you might fabricate God(s) to explain a few things.
Humans are just creepy monkeys. We are capable of all manner of mental fabrication, and may even believe what we have fabricated.
All these descriptions (and many more) are just expressions of the mind of the creepy monkey.
However, to try to ascertain truth in the atmosphere around us, in order to move forward authenticly, we should recognize these tendencies toward favorable hypothesies. If we really seek truth, and not a good story to get us through the night, we should choose explanations that occur repeatedly, that hold up under scrutiny, and that survive the natural naming of the world around us by humans (since we are human).
For me personally, there is no doubt a force that is bigger than me, that is independent, and that has some designs on me. I have run into it. It has made itself undeniably clear. I could do my best to describe it, but really my main wish is to know more about it. I feel inadequate to name it or define it well.
As far as a set of rules, guidelines, and behavioral funnels, I'm not sure. I tend to look at people like plants. What kind of fool are you? What do you need? We need to have our seeds for whatever make us up watered, and we need to be trimmed or edited a bit, to be our most fulfilled. It seems the big force wants us to be fulfilled, but its hard to posit specific powers and wants for God.
I just pray I can learn more about God, without being side-tracked and distracted by creepy monkey gibberish.