Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Tobacco, in and of itself, is relatively harmless compared to the end product that tobacco companies use to amass their billions.
I don't have the research data, but it has been shown that the advent of smoking related death and disease is concurrent with the Tobacco companies using pesticides and additives to preserve the shelf life and reinforce the tobacco's addictive nature. It has also been shown that the negative effects of smoking organic and additive-free tobacco can be reversed and/or prevented through the adaptation of a raw, vegan, vitamin C an B complex rich diet and maintaining an active lifestyle.
I didn't know that. That's interesting. I'm skeptical, though, that a vegan diet, terrific as it is

, could prevent/reverse negative effects of smoking, no matter how organic the leaves are...but maybe if one doesn't smoke a lot?
Originally Posted by kayleigh.
I ate those candy cigarettes when I was a child, and tge chocolate ones. Not oncexwhen I pick up a cigarette I think hmm childhood nostalgia, I'm no gonnae lie to yae, I used to scoff those sweeties. You didn't faff about, you ate them.
I never got my hands on
chocolate candy cigarettes.

My candy cigarettes were just a hard, chalky, white chewing gum. I gnawed on them and they were okay, but chocolate would have been much better. I always suspected my childhood in Iowa was deprived, but now I *know* it was.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I did a small research project on a packet of cigarettes
They tasted great
100% of people say...
They're Grrreat!
(Disclaimer: Sample size = 1. Experiment not to be repeated in your own home.)