Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
There was no plot development. They drive and walk and thats it. Lots of special effects ad explosions. And eventually when they get to Boston miraculaosly the one block of Boston untouched by alien destruction is the block where the kids mother is and the boy is somehow untouched. Tom Cruise could have save hundreds of peoples lives by telling them that all they had to do to fix a car is to replace the starter solenoid(an emp wouldnt affect this anyway). The post alien attack scenery lkooks like something out of willy wonka with licorice laying on the ground. The charecters were sooo bad. Much of what happens is pointless. The boy stealing he car had nothing to do with the movie at all except it made Cruise go outside. Sooo much of the movie was just filler. I especially loved when he crawled into the hummer that had obviously been on fire and grabbed a belt of grnades which werent detonated or even hot. The belt wast even charred. The portrayl of human deperity goes two ways. Not only wwerew people desperate to get the car. Cruise wouldnt even allow them to ride with him. He refused to even give up the reason why the cars wouldnt start. I just htought it was a bunch of action star dribble.
so essentially you're saying is that if something like that happens you would stop and tell every person you see hey you know what, you should replace those batteries with something else...maybe you'd invite them for a cup of coffee and you'd reminisce of the old times while the aliens are evaporating people around you....you know what i would do? i would take my kids and run, i wouldn't stop to warn anybody ..it's every man for himself....
the boy stealing the car was just a normal thing that would happened before the aliens came and destroyed the earth. if cruise allowed people to get in the car he would have had to stop and take everybody and that would only slow him down and eventually lead to his death as well as the death of his kids....
in conclusion i thought it was an amazingly realistic portrayal of human behavior when faced with annihilation......how human beings turn in to animals when it comes to fighting for their lives....