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Old 09-02-2010, 08:30 PM   #490 (permalink)
Quiet Man in the Corner
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Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
CanwllCorfe: How the hell does this guy find all of those great electronic acts? I'm personally jealous of his band-finding skills.
Hahaa thanks! But trust me it's not easy. Lots of time spent on YouTube and Google to find it all. And it's a never ending quest! I'm stocking up on Modern Classical for the winter. I don't know if it's common to only wanna listen to certain genres in certain seasons.. but I just love club oriented music in the warmer months and all my classical and ambient/jazzy stuff in the colder months. It just works.
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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