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Old 09-02-2010, 12:32 PM   #154 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post

I didn't expect a plant that has caused such pain and suffering and death for millions of people to smell so tantalizingly sweet. I guess I can see how tobacco can become a delicious torment.

Whoops! There I go, all serious again!
Tobacco, in and of itself, is relatively harmless compared to the end product that tobacco companies use to amass their billions.

I don't have the research data, but it has been shown that the advent of smoking related death and disease is concurrent with the Tobacco companies using pesticides and additives to preserve the shelf life and reinforce the tobacco's addictive nature. It has also been shown that the negative effects of smoking organic and additive-free tobacco can be reversed and/or prevented through the adaptation of a raw, vegan, vitamin C an B complex rich diet and maintaining an active lifestyle.

There is no such thing as an evil plant. A soybean is one of the most healthy things a human can consume, but when we chemically modify it to produce a partially hydrogenated oil, it becomes the substance that is responsible for more disease in humans than smoking cigarettes alone.
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