Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt
Matchstick Men was a solid enough film but brilliant? Nope. His best 00s work that I've seen is American Gangster, although I haven't seen Black Hawk Down yet.
Yep, two.
One in 2011, one in 2012.
Maybe it's just me then, but I loved Matchstick Men. Very David Mamet kinda concept...which may or may not make sense.
Black Hawk Down's good fun - you should definitely try and see that sometime.
Originally Posted by dankrsta
I've heard something about this, but I thought it was just a rumor about him directing. I'd be excited if it was just one film, some real hard sci-fi, relatively free of big film studio politics. From what I just read it has potential. But two? I don't know, that sounds like some new franchise. That's always hit or miss. Well, I'll definitely see it, at least the first film.
I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed that it'll be him directing at least one of them. It's been a while since I last read up on the prequel/s, but they certainly at least sound interesting, what with how we're probably gonna find out what the deal with that gigantic dead alien in the ship carrying all the eggs in Alien was.
Initially I'd heard it was only gonna be one prequel, so the whole thing about there being two of them's fairly new to me. The first news I read broke when the writing process was underway, so I'm presuming/hoping it's just a case of the script being two long for the one theatrical release.