Hey guys, how are you doing?
I'd like to show you a project called VRA! “split-screen covers”. The ideia behind the project is to collaborate online to record good music with good people. Although some good friends of mine form the core of the project, the band won’t necessarily be the same for every song. We will have guests from around the world participating, mostly (if nor all) on vocals though, at our discretion.
Our last effort (Metropolis Pt. 1 by Dream Theater) was quite a success for progmetal standards, almost 350k views in just one of the member’s channel (half a million all 5 channels combined) during the short period of 10 months. Since there are so many DT fans in the music communities, I thought you’d may want to check our new video, so there you go:
Kudos to Dream Theater for writing such fantastic and inspiring music, we had lots of fun doing this collab.
Hope you enjoy it! VRAAAAAA!!!!!!!!