I enjoyed it more than I expected to. Definitely tried a little to hard in some places but it hit a lot of the right notes, which made it not only watchable but uncomfortably familiar.

This was fascinating. You wouldn't think it would be--except for some bookending narration, the entire thing is a single, contiguous, 100-or-so-minute conversation that's highly philosophical in nature and requires kind of undivided attention. But I found myself wanting to jump in with my own arguments and I had to take a minute to sit and stew about it afterwards. Definitely recommended if you've got a significant attention span.

Speaking of significant attention spans... I'm not sure this needed to be 146 minutes, but I'm also not sure what I'd cut out of it. It's also a lot darker than I expected, even having heard that about it going in. I enjoyed it though, even though I don't feel the need to watch it again soon.