Originally Posted by duga
Siamese Dream is my favorite, but in all honesty I think Adore shows Billy at his peak as far as songwriting goes. I think we may have even gotten into this before. I know I got into an argument with someone about it. Machina is horribly underrated and Machina II should get more recognition than it does (though it's understandable since he released it for free).
Actually yes, we did get into an argument about that. I said that 'Adore' was the peak of Billy's songwriting ability, and you thought 'Machina II' was even better, or something like that, and then we posted song lyrics from each of them.
Yeah, Machina is underrated, songs like "I Of The Mourning" and "Stand Inside Your Love" are up there with The Pumpkins bests, and Machina II has possibly my favorite Iha song, "Go."
To this day, I still wonder what the tracklisting for Machina would be if Billy got his way and it was a double album.