Originally Posted by This_Is_Corey
What, you didn't know that? Was Heavy Rain worth playing?

I've been playing Ico. It's an adventure game for the ps2 released about a year into the ps2's life cycle. It's amazing how well the game holds up given that its almost 10 years old. I find the production and design choices made put it on par aesthetically with every contemporary game I've played. The spiritual successor was shadow of the colossus and the next installment in the "franchise" is the last guardian.
I didn't get really far in
Heavy Rain before my PS3 and game got stolen. It wasn't as fast paced as
Indigo Prophecy, the beginning part seemed to take forever but once the game got going it was a fun mixture of things. As far as the pain pills plus alcohol are concerned I know in real life they kill you, but so does a single gunshot wound to the torso (most of the time) and yet I seem to be able to take a munitions dump to the face without dying in every video game I ever play, so excuse me if I don't think the developers will pay that close attention to reality :P