Originally Posted by Consolator
I think you need to chill. I like her music -- it's catchy and has grown on me. I'm completely well-aware this woman has little (if any) talent, I have watched videos of her live. Just curious, have you heard her album? I gave Animal a listen, there's a few filler tracks, but I liked most of it. By blindly boycotting music you're only limiting yourself. :P It's fun, shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music. It by any means isn't all I listen to, my ipod has all sorts of different genres on it. In fact, most of the music on my ipod is ambient / post-rock stuff.
My point is, I think you're better of listening to the album before making judgment.
I have 197 gigabytes of music ranging from country to hip hop to jazz to every type of metal imaginable to indie rock and to electronic. I do not think I am missing anything terribly important from the "shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music" that is pop radio. You know how many insanely talented bands I hear who have no voice in the mainstream market? You know how infuriating it is when a musician comes out with something beneficial for humanity yet the only thing you hear when you turn on the radio is that "shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music"?