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Old 08-25-2010, 07:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Default Music Fans for the Betterment of Rap/Rock

Aahh... rock music. Loud, rebellious, an aural representation of youth and energy. Good music. And then there's good ol' hip hop... gritty, vibrant, grooving, a beautiful musical culture arising from the stuggle of starving artists. Good music.

So naturally, combining these two genres sounds like a good idea right?


Unfortunetly, there haven't been many successful mainstream acts in this genre.* Just think of rap rock, nu metal, and associated movements. At least for me personally, the big names that come to mind are Limp Bizcut, Linkin Park, and Korn.

But there is hope out there. Let us, fans of what rap rock we can find, band together and post some lesser known gems from this genre. I'd take the lead but I have to wait until I can post links :/
To be clear, the purpose of this thread is not to aribtrarily list or post youtube videos of every rap rock act we can find, but to inform other members of great acts out there and support them. Thus, we shall bring these acts into the mainstream (...or at least the hipster-stream) and clean up rap rock's rep.

Defining success by quality, not sales that is.
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