Goodbye threads are a bit silly, but I figure (hope) people would be curious about why I'm not around or even possibly banned, so in order to clarify ..
I have the feeling people on MB think of me as a hard worker, but the opposite is closer to the truth when it comes to the work I
should be doing in my real life outside these forums. I feel like Musicbanter is quite a distraction and right now, I need to rid myself of distractions so that I can focus on the work I should be doing.
So, I'm planning on taking a break very soon which should last until about mid-november

I'm trying to get someone else to run the weekly themes, theme comps and PFAC club and so on and when all that's sorted, I'll ask for a tempban. I'm not sure if mods can ban eachother, so possibly a demotion is required which would involve help from Yac so then it could be a few days before I'm gone.
Anyways .. I'll miss you guys. Catch you on the flipside!