Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I dunno... it's hard to find them now. Wild picking was my main source from around '97 to 2001, then after that cow farmers either got savvy, or the popular peripheral feed/licks cow farmers give cows to prevent bacterial growth in their stomachs changed around that time and apparently affected the favorable conditions in a cow's stomach. You can even go to the ultimate sticks in Louisiana and find bare fields, which were once daily mushroom heavens.
Apart from cow fields, I don't know where you can find them just naturally growing, as the conditions for them to develop to the fruiting stage needs to happen in a pretty specific environment and be totally sterile.
Yeah, for me it was more of '01-04 while I was in high school. We had well known fields to find ounces in a matter of minutes. I heard they were giving the cows feed with citric acid to knock out the cubes. I have a few plants growing out in the sticks and it is quite a hike. There are a few pastures on the way and that's my main source these days. Its a walk I have to take quite often and I usually find about a gram a week just along the path. I give a lot away but have about an ounce dried and stored right now.
On another note, I sampled my first bud from my sativa. I haven't smoked since April. I got wrecked.
Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his
red eyes and fierce
black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—
happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy