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Old 08-22-2010, 02:41 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Both my parents used to smoke around the house when i was growing up and they both managed to quit, my dad gave up about 10 years ago and my mum gave up about 15 years ago or sometime before that maybe. I admire them both for being able to quit like that and not go back. They were never heavy smokers but there was always the smell of cigarettes in our living room and the danger of second-hand smoke, i'm not sure if there was much damage done to my lungs from second-hand smoke growing up.

I think it's true that kids whose parents are smokers are more likely to pick up the habit. My grandmother on my mother's side was a very heavy smoker, she would go through at least a pack a day, and all my aunts and uncles on that side of the family as well as my mum are/were smokers, and now i'm a smoker. I suppose when you grow up in that environment it just seems like a natural thing to do because your parents are doing it, so the children pick it up easier than those growing up in an environment with no smokers around.
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