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Thread: Vacations
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Old 08-21-2010, 08:34 AM   #143 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
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Originally Posted by jibber View Post
gonna be travelling with someone else, were meeting up in another town tomorrow then heading down from there. Its just a short side trip, only five days in the kurdish controlled area (the only safe part, everywhere else youd have to have a death wish to visit).

How was your trip? Ive been off in random places way off in east turkey for the past 2 weeks, its been great so far. ive got until september 10 in turkey and then off to syria.
The trip was great apart from a mix up with our rooms that took a couple of days to sort out.
I'd forgotten how friendly the Turks were. Not to mention their appalling style sense.
What's with the men's hairstyles all looking something like Al Pacino's in 'Scarface'...

...only all spiked up as if they just arrived on a motorbike without a helmet?

As for their dress sense...if douche bag was a fashion style, they have it nailed!
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