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Old 08-19-2010, 01:49 PM   #487 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
It's real. She's the kind of person who, when she was a child, took to heart all the old wives tales and never gave them any rational thought throughout her life to realize that they aren't real. I think she dropped out in the 8th grade too, and has been a housewife her whole life. No one has ever challenged her beliefs, nor has she ever needed a reason to challenge them herself.
That's why she seems so stupid. I personally think she's just really ignorant with a capacity to learn, but far too hard-headed to try.
She won't believe me when I try to explain to her that lungs aren't "bags of air", and you can't "break the bag if you breathe too deeply".

Oh, and she doesn't believe in science. Her take is "Science is always changing their minds about stuff, so I don't believe anything they say".
She's the kind of person that takes EVERYTHING in the bible literally, and believes all of it happened.
I read the other posts about your mom and your family's holiday traditions when you were growing up, Freebase! I'm glad you grew up to think for yourself and question things. I agree that people can be very intelligent but ignorant and overlook obvious information that challenges their beliefs. I'm glad you challenge her.

Originally Posted by tore View Post
Poking fun at stupid creationists, this vid is of course a classic. These guys are reading and acting to the camera posts made on christian fundamentalist forums. Hehe ..

Ha ha! That was funny and sad, hearing people overlooking the obvious, such as that no evolutionary biologist claims a monkey can live millions of years, or that humans evolved from a modern lifeform!

Originally Posted by Paloma View Post
My mother's husband comes up with some serious gems:

Talking about our female governor:
"That's what happens when you put a woman in office. They're ignorant. See, you can't just put someone in office because of sex or color. That's what's wrong with America today."
then five minutes later on something unrelated
"There's a lot of sexist pigs out there"
Yikes, Paloma! Yet another reason to be wary of your mother's husband. It doesn't sound like he recognizes what he is, does he?

Well, one of the stupidest things I remember *I* did was when I was a passenger in a car and saw one of those expandable campers hitched to the car in front of us. The camper was around 3 feet tall, and for a moment I thought, "Huh. Is that a camper for little people?"

I actually said it out loud, too!
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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