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Old 08-19-2010, 12:33 PM   #482 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Yea, my folks used to be massive Christians when I was coming up and they didn't celebrate holidays. We couldn't celebrate Christmas because my dad said Jesus wasn't born then and it was a pagan holiday, so we had "Toy Day" instead... where we went to the store with X amount of budget and bought what we wanted. That's worse than it sounds.

Halloween, was "the devils holiday" so we couldn't celebrate that either. We had "Candy Day", where we had to spend the night at church where they told all the kids how scared we should be of the devil and all his tricks, then my dad took us to a grocery and gave us a minute to fill some brown paper bags with the candy we wanted. That's worse than it sounds.

Easter, we couldn't celebrate that because the parents said "the world distorted the meaning of Easter, so you can't go easter-egg hunting... because that would be conforming to the will of the world, and not the will of the lord." Word for word.

Thanksgiving was the only one we celebrated like other normal Americans.
That's probably why I don't give much of a shit about holidays in general.

All that is stupidity.
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