Music Banter - View Single Post - Yes - Close to the Edge (1972)
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:53 AM   #8 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by The_Mop View Post
Weird thing is, I hadn't heard anything about it being a concept album (as admittedly, I havn't looked into the background of this album that much) but my dad was under the impression that the lyrics were basically just made up out of nothing, apparently from some interview he read or something.
Hehe, I did call it a concept album and my reason for doing so is really nicely summed up in this bit of quotation from Wikipedia :

In a May 27, 1996 interview with Elizabeth Gips on her show "Changes" (KKUP, Cupertino, CA), transcribed in the Notes From the Edge fanzine, dated August 23rd, 1996, Jon Anderson mentions, probably not for the first time, that the song—indeed, the whole album—is inspired by Hermann Hesse's book Siddhartha.[2] "[We] did one album called Close to the Edge. [It] was based on the Siddhartha... You always come back down to the river. [You] know, all the rivers come to the same ocean. That was the basic idea. And so we made a really beautiful album[....]"

Whether or not other prog rockers think of it as a concept album, I don't really know!
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