Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
I'm like that with Curse of Monkey Island (my first exposure to the series back in '97) but I'm getting on the game designer's train of logic and advancing faster than I thought. I also learned that The Secret of Monkey Island was given the same graphical treatment so I can finally play the series from start to finish. One of these days I'll get back on with The Longest Journey (Which I'm sure you're familiar with being Norwegian and all), because that game was far too much fun to just give up on.
Me and my friends used to play Monkey Island 1 and 2 on the Amiga 500 back in the days

I remember I was highly anticipating the release of Curse .. I was so excited to see how they would continue after the somewhat strange ending from number 2.
The Longest Journey is a game I've played, but I never actually finished it! Maybe I should pick up that one as well .. and there's a second one out as well.