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Old 07-11-2005, 12:57 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Snickers

I'd say....
Bands that had talent but never really caught on
The Stone Roses
Charlatan UK
The Neon Boys
Credence Clearwater Revisited haha
The Germs
Aztec Camera

Bands that didn't have very much talent but caught on quickly
Hawthorne Heights
Franz Ferdinand
The Killers
My Chemical Romance
The Dead Milkmen
The Sex Pistols
The Ramones
Maroon 5
98 Degrees

There's probably way more.
franz ferdinand and the killers?!?....well a couple of milion sold albums proves you othervise...i talked about this before in a coldplay thread, if a band is really not talented people catch on pretty quick....if they get really popular like franz and the killers did that means a lot of people think they ARE in fact talented....
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