Originally Posted by zevokes
is a 16g piercing considered stretched?
septum REALLY HURT to stretch. i first stretched mine from a 14 to a 10, then i think i might even have eaten mushrooms for the first time when i stretched it from a 10 to a 6. i don't know for sure if i was on mushrooms, but when my buddy joe stuffed that 6 gauge spacer in there, my whole face lit up with pain, my knees buckled (i was, for some reason, standing) and water just poured from by tear-ducts. it was crazy... for about thirty seconds. after that it was fine and i could have pretty girls tie string to it and... uh... ummm... that's it.
I guess I just don't really understand the urge to get piercings and stretchings and different gauges. Giving birth was enough stretching of orifices for me.

I go through life *avoiding* pain. All pain. Any type of pain. Paper cut pain.
So what do you all find is the main motivation for having piercings? I never wanted any, not even in my impressionable younger years.