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Old 08-09-2010, 08:37 PM   #473 (permalink)
Goblin Tears
Music Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Ireland
Posts: 337

TheBig3KilledMyRainDog His posts are usually well thought out, and he never conforms. I think he gets exasperated by alot of the musical eltism and general foolishness of many members here, and I can certainly relate.

Vanillia I love Jabba The Hutt, so how can I not mention her? She seems like a camp cutie you can really get down with in a nightclub y'all, and her posts make me laugh. With a side-order of latent perversion, she's kinda kinky.

James Don't agree with everything he says, but he's got some great taste. Gotta love Klaus Nomi. He's intelligent and insightful.

VEGANELICA You have to admit, you gotta admire anyone who can blend self-righteousness with charm as seamlessly as VEGANELICA does. She's always got something controversial to say, but she presents it with an easy going style. I actually enjoy reading what she ahs to say, even if she does go overboard at times.

Boo Boo
He has been rude to me. An impudent person, and emotionally, he's all over the place. His mind is a labyrinth, but he's entertaining. And how many here can make that claim?

Tea Supremecist
Nice taste in music, and she's got her own style. One of the first people I met her, and definitely one of the nicest. Her posts are brimming with a keen intellect, and she knows what she loves.

The Quirky and camp spark of the forum.

Freebase Dali He seems kind of bitchy (he DID start this thread), but he's articulate, and when he's not taking himself too seriously, he's actually quite funny.

Mr. Dave Sorry, but this member is prone to elitism, as well as having opinions that make me want to pull my hair out. Human differential, I guess. I'll put him in my prayers.

Urban Hatemonger The name speaks for itself. He IS a mod, so he actually has an excuse to give out to other members, but sometime it grates my cheese a little. He strikes me as the forum alpha male, but that's a bit of a generalization, and besides, as internet alpha males go, he ranks highly in terms of temperament.
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