Originally Posted by Flower Child
Kayleigh Like everyone, I can't deny the fact that she is super nice and super cute. Friendly as friendly can get, really. There is not a mean bone in that girls body. But christ what a chatterbox. It'll almost make your head spin. But again, you gotta love her.
Wow, thank you very much. I'm flattered. Hahaha, chatterbox. It's not the first time I've been called that in my life..
:) Thank you very much Flower Child. I'm extremely flattered by your opinion!
Originally Posted by boo boo
Kayleigh: Don't really know her opinion on a lot of things but she's funny, charming and nice.
Yet again, I'm very flattered you think I'm the slightest little bit funny.
Originally Posted by AwwSugar
Kayleigh - I ****ing love love love her and she should never ever go on holiday ever again unless it's to visit me. That way I won't have separation anxiety.
Withdrawl symptoms
Originally Posted by trace87
Kayleigh - seems nice enough. also seems like she is here more for the community aspect and much less about the music.
Thanks, but I have to disagree on the second part. I'd definitely say I was here more for music, my friendships are a massive plus though. Also when I am the minority of the board talking about the same things that other people also like gets boring, and I have nobody to discuss the other stuff with, which is why I go through phases of not really posting in the music forums!
Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe
Kayleigh - She's purtty and one of the only fellow Electronica fans here on MB! 
thank you

I'd say you were my favourite electronica fan here, as your taste is so different to other, quite unique actually.
Originally Posted by duga
kayleigh - When she talks about music, she throws out some real gems of electronic music. Especially the clubbing kind, which is great for when I need that kind of music. She also has one of my favorite avatars in here.
Thank you very mucho! I've never thought that someone could actually enjoy a song I post, and I've never considered that anyone could think they were gems! I'm so flattered! :O:O
Originally Posted by Paloma
Kayleigh/Fanny - I don't imagine anyone could dislike Fanny, she's definitely one of the sweetest people on MB. Our taste in music is definitely not compatible but it doesn't matter because we both love Skins and the Scheme, and I can talk in Scots with her (which is weird, being that I'm from Midwestern America). Definitely a favorite.

I ****ing love you boaby. The third and fourth episodes are going to be showing soon, I'll give you a shout, and we can talk some scheme patter