I have a habit of promising people things I can't or won't deliver. So yes.
It usually stems from me being drunk and wanting to do 101 things for everyone I see and when I sober up I realize I've bitten off more than I can chew, so naturally people get let down... although it's never anything major.
I think my biggest one was promising this girl I'd go see her and she lives 5 too many states away, and she got all excited then the next day I had to tell her I was just drunk and there was no way I could do it... not that I didn't want to... the girl is smokin' hot and cool to boot..
She hated me for a while, but I guess I didn't lose much anyway. Still, I hate being a disappointment in any way so I've been having to learn how to maintain a realistic perspective when I'm on the sauce. And that's pretty damn hard.