Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Loathsomepete - Pobodysnerfect. I miss that user name. Me and Pete don’t get down too much and it’s largely because our tastes in a lot of things just don’t mesh too often, but that being said his musical meanderings are quite impressive. From alt-country to conscious hip hop to doom-core, he’s got his irons in a lot of fires and knows what’s going on in every single one. It’s amazing that even after a year, he still works his ass off for this forum without appearing to be the slightest bit burned out, and he has to be the friendliest person on here.
Thank you for the kind words sir! I can't believe it's nearly been a year since I became a mod, oh how the time does fly. I wish our tastes melded a bit better, but the artists we do have in common are very awesome.