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Old 08-06-2010, 01:50 PM   #11 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Anteater - Really this kid is about as close to a mystery to me as it gets. I’ve problem gleaned more great obscure musical goodies from his reviews than from anyone else on the forum. I’m not much of a fan of his particular taste in prog, but just about everything else he’s pulled out of his ass has been amazing. I have been pulling for this kid to be a mod for a while. I hope it happens.

Duga - Love his musical tastes. Humble, articulate, and intelligent. He’s one of the handful of posters that I can rest assured in knowing that he’s about the music.He’s a very well rounded and articulate poster and I wish he were around more frequently than he is, but who am I to talk with my proclivity for taking vacations and lurking behind the scenes.

Seltzer - It’s a shame that I’m so hard pressed for what to say about this guy in light of the fact that I like him as much as I do. It’s one of those cases of someone being so modest and thoughtful that it doesn’t often occur to you how great of a contribution he actually makes to the forum. Silent but deadly. Trust me, most of the mods know that if he’s here, he’s on top of it before we even know about it.

Bannister - We don’t get as many punk rock enthusiasts as we did 5 years ago, which is both a good and a bad thing. It’s good because we’re no longer swimming in a bunch of flavor of the month punk rock noobies quick to proselytize us with the gospel of Green Day. It’s a bad thing because the genre and the counter culture is so poorly represented on this forum. I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to this girl and feel out her tastes, but I can see that as far as her overall personality goes, she’s the real deal, very articulate, and would definitely fare well to step up and represent musically. Start a journal.

Mr. Dave - solid. Doesn’t bull**** around. Is knowledgeable and charismatic without ever being the least bit pretentious. I wish I had more superlatives to toss around for him, because he is one of this forums most interesting posters. Now if I could ever picture him as being anything other than a bloated panda bear that would be perfect.

Vegangelica - Last year Adidasss got my most improved award, and this year it goes to Erica. I’m happy to see that a lot of people have moved beyond their initial impression of her being an argumentative . I’ve found that she’s become one of the most insightful thought provoking posters on the forum. Her ability to be challenging and confrontational while at the same time always being extremely articulate and completely gracious to everybody is amazing. She never fails to extend kindness toward people even in the most trying moments.

Vanilla - Hot. She was unbearably hot when she had the polar bear avatar. Don’t ask me why; it drove me crazy. It’s can be diminished by the fact that she flaunts it in such a cheesey and obtrusive way. You really don’t need to you know that, don’t you? I do like her a lot, though. She’s funny, in a very self-deprecating way when she feels like it, which is attractive in general, and is always sure to stand her ground for what she believes no matter what anyone might think.

Antonio - Definitely one of those poster that you can appreciate simply for how receptive they are to new music, and most of his tastes are completely devoid of any pretense. That being said, It’s hard to pigeonhole his tastes, and he never ceases to surprise me with what he happens to be getting into musically at any given moment.

Loathsomepete - Pobodysnerfect. I miss that user name. Me and Pete don’t get down too much and it’s largely because our tastes in a lot of things just don’t mesh too often, but that being said his musical meanderings are quite impressive. From alt-country to conscious hip hop to doom-core, he’s got his irons in a lot of fires and knows what’s going on in every single one. It’s amazing that even after a year, he still works his ass off for this forum without appearing to be the slightest bit burned out, and he has to be the friendliest person on here.
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