Melancholia Eternally
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: England
Posts: 5,018
OK, i have just been back through this thread and i have already done write-ups for NumberNineDream, Lateralus, Anteater, Shizotypic, NSW, TheCellarTapes, Conan, Sidewinder, AwwSugar, Bulldog, Jackhammer, PissMeOff, Urban, RT, Janszoon, 333, Boo Boo, Comus, Kayleigh, Molecules, Alfred, Fasho, Scottsy, Adidasss & Rezz.
At some point i will go back through the ones i have already done as i'm sure some of them could be updated now.
Anyway, here are some that are overdue now. There are definitely some members I have missed out but this is all I have the patience to do right now. Any I have missed will be done another time.
UB has been away various places over the last few weeks and is still away now. However before that he was starting to post more which was great. I would like to see him continue to contribute more around the boards. Clearly a smart guy with a fantastic grasp on the English language. I would like to see him be more confident in his writing, his reviews and frankly every other aspect of his life.
Seltzer summed Paloma up well. She sticks to her guns, thats exactly what she does. I feel she can sometimes be very quick to judge and so i may not discuss certain things with her the way i do others here but thats not all that important. A very sweet girl, not afraid to stand up for herself, seems to be very strong and if she is harsh with you it's probably because you were being a ****.
Not someone i know much about as he doesnt seem to be the type to share too much about who he is here, which is fine. But he does share his music taste and the passion he has for it and that means i will always read whatever he has to say. He was one of our better newbies when he first joined and now he has to be considered one of our better members period.
I dont know why i haven't found as much common ground with this guy in comparison to the other shoutbox lurkers. I really dont have a reason for that as he seems to be very into his music, i dont think he has many boundaries when it comes to writing off entire genres of music and will probably listen to anything, even if just to give it a try. That should be something he and I have in common right there. Anyway, i may not know him too well but he has always seemed to be a decent guy, i dont recall ever disagreeing with him about anything.
I hardly ever crossed paths will Tore until i became a mod and I regret that now. No disrespect to any of the other mods but i get the feeling that Tore is the hardest working mod. Always willing to help and assist people, forever trying to liven this place up and create more interest in the site. Great mod but seems to be an even better person. He reminds me of certain ultra-smart friends i have who i often cannot understand in any way at all yet it is obvious to me and everyone around me that they are among the nicest people I have ever met.
Well, i dont think i have ever mentioned this before but i used to consider Freebase to be a part of this trend of members we had joining up one after the other a while ago who all seemed very similar to me whom i quite frankly wasn't a big fan of. But how wrong could i have been! I definitely misjudged this guy. When we got modded he sent me a congratulatory message that i greatly appreciated and ever since then I have been constantly reminded how incorrect my first impression was. I actually try not to judge people on this forum so easily anymore because of Freebase. Great guy, genuinely does seem to look for ideas about how to improve this forum for its members and seems to be very polite and well spoken. I wish he shared his music taste more though! I know you probably were not aware as i'm not the kind of guy to draw attention to it most of the time but sorry for having you so wrong Freebase!
Pretty much what he said about me. Like Tore, i never seemed to cross paths with Seltzer at all. He was the quiet mod as far as i was concerned. Not really one of the more visible mods. This is not a bad thing, i actually think it's because he gets a long with everyone and no-one ever takes issue with him! A great quality and i'm glad to have begun to interact with him more since I was modded.
I usually have time for anything Pete recommends. I probably will like the majority of it too. We arent exactly twins when it comes to music taste but do share a lot of similar interests. Absolutely deserved to be modded when he was and has been such a great addition to this forum.
Can be very blunt, very honest and probably doesnt hold back very often. This kind of attitude will certainly lead to disagreements with some people but for me personally, i like it. I think it's a great quality to have. For some reason i always felt comfortable messing with TheCunningStunt, joking around and even outright insulting but of course in a lighthearted way. To some this may not be a compliment in any way, shape or form but these are the kind of people i get a long with best in real life. I dont like having to censor myself when joking around in fear of it offending someone.
Another member who seems to be very honest. He has always been nothing but cool with me personally.
Don't know much about Glastonelle at all but i felt she was worthy of a mention as i feel she has been among the better newbies.
I don't know if i can describe her any better than Seltzer did. Completely crazy at times. I think what i like best about her is that i could be really honest here and she would admire that, even if my honesty was in the form of a negative opinion of her. It isn't though. I don't always agree with her but she always seems open to the opinions of others while sticking to what she believes in. That can't be a bad thing. Also it is insane how polite she is. When you can't help but say nice things about someone, even when referring to any of the little things about them you haven't always agreed with then you really just have to acknowledge that they genuinely are just a lovely person through and through.
Sometimes i'm not exactly sure whether i would say that it seems he cares *too* much about what people make of his music taste or if its just simply enthusiasm. Either way he has a great knowledge of music for someone of his age, is a pleasure to talk to and kind of like UB, i think he lacks in confidence which is a shame. I hope he gets more confident with age.
Not a member i know too well but also one of our great younger members. Seems very genuine and it's always good to see him around the boards.
She is still very much a mystery to me. One of our more unique members and often seems completely crazy. Not in a bad way mind you, you just need to get used to her style of posting. I still don't completely understand her but i think i like that about her. A very interesting person.
Used to be one of my favourite members. He was a member here long before me but whenever i have seen older posts of his from when he first joined, its incredible to see how much he matured here. He should post more. I always take notice whenever he does.