Originally Posted by lieasleep
you are missing the point. it is not about singing skill in a conventional sense. It is about how much emotion his voice carries. It carries tons tons tons tons more than Rihanna's Umbrella, Lady Ga Ga's Poker Face and Beyonce's need for a god damn ring, all of whom would never be criticized for their voices (of course being able to be criticized for other very considerable flaws).
His voice brings a very important sense of sincerity to the music, possibly the most important part of the music itself. If you don't like the voice, than it is impossible to like the music. I am just asking that you listen to it in a different way.
Why single out Rihanna, GaGa and Beyonce? What do they have to do with anything?
I'm sorry but i didn't hear any emotion in this album. It just annoyed me.