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Old 08-03-2010, 01:17 AM   #661 (permalink)
lets make a mess, lioness
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Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide View Post
Well, it must be uncanny then! Although, I'm sure it's intentional And don't worry, I'm sure you'd actually get to visit someday, you won't regret it

Well, he's old now I think! That was a younger picture. And LOL @ that last part. They're both named David? That is just win

Oh and I just noticed, but your sig is what I'm going to get tattooed on my forearm at the end of this month =|
Hell yea I will. The Tropics always sound good, no matter where you are. Probably even in the tropics aswell.

We call them the David's now. Partially because of the names, and also because theyre always together - like those irritating 'we're so in love and we've only been dating 2 days' couples, except much more chic

Really? The Smiths? That is very cool. I watched 500 Days of Summer again the other day to fully understand what I didnt like about it and ended up falling in love with the music, the film, and obviously, JGL. The problem is Summer :/ Anyway, back to your tattoo. I heard this song in the movie and liked the line, therefore became my new sig. But thats great, why this lyric?
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