Originally Posted by glastonelle
No no no lol, I just have an uncanny ability to sound sarcastic all the time. I swear! You are a cool kid and Trinidad looks amazingly gorgeous so definitely no sarcasm there. I'd love to go the Caribbean
I was expecting an oldish guy with hair like James on Top Gear. Kind of the oppisite of Jeff Buckley. Maybe with a perpetual scowl? Thats cute, I've got friends who are boyfriends. Theyre both called David 
Well, it
must be uncanny then! Although, I'm sure it's intentional

And don't worry, I'm sure you'd actually get to visit someday, you won't regret it
Well, he's old now I think! That was a younger picture. And LOL @ that last part. They're both named David? That is just win
Oh and I just noticed, but your sig is what I'm going to get tattooed on my forearm at the end of this month =|