Originally Posted by Janszoon
My comment about them being 2nd tier is only partially related to my personal feelings about their music, by the way. I'm also talking about how I feel they were perceived back in the early 90s. I knew a couple people who liked them but it didn't seem like they were taking the music world by storm or anything, either artistically or commercially. They were basically just one of many "alternative" bands that started selling well during that time, many of whom are not talked about very much anymore.
i can definitely see where you're coming from with this, especially with the way the attention came down when the style was coming up. SG never really fit into any specific niche and for me that's one thing that made them really great, by not being 'first tier' i didn't relegate them down to 2nd, i moved them up and out of the pile - but it took me a while to first 'get' the band.
i also think one of the main reasons they didn't get talked about that much after the fact is that no one in the band self-destructed. there was no out of control ego, no power tripping madman, no public freak outs, lawsuits, etc. the lack of sensationalism didn't endear them to the masses of star****ers out there. consider what people talk about when they discuss bands from that era... who talks about the actual music of Nirvana, AiC, or STP more than the heroin abuse and the 'denied potential' of those bands?