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Old 07-31-2010, 09:07 AM   #369 (permalink)
Gavin B.
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
I'd do one but the people I can think of I don't know terribly well, and the ones I do know are gone. This is a young mans game. I'm about to hit 6 years next month.
6 years spent in an internet forum is like 60 years spent in the real world.

I keep returning to Music Banter because members like NumberNineDream, Bulldog, James, Diesel Boy, Jackhammer, Right-Track and CellarTapes each have their own unique and idiosyncratic perspective on pop music that is both entertaining and informative.

I've made a few cranky dogmatic statements for their sheer annoyance value, yet I'm still treated with far more kindness than I really deserve by most MB members.

Music forums frequently attract the worst element of elitists, bully boys and trolls but the forum moderators at MB do a great job of maintaining a respectful atmosphere without behaving like the forum cops. The worst problem of many forums is the rude and authoritarian behavior of their own forum moderators.
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