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Old 07-31-2010, 04:46 AM   #3 (permalink)
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The following 3 quotes are from the same friend, and were all said in the same day. Within about the same hour.

"I didn't even know John Lennon was in The Beatles?"

"OMG should we put those swans back in the water? Swans die out of water!" as we were walking through a park where some swans were sitting on the grass.

and finally, one christmas we went the cinema and were on the bus. and we drove past this little santas grotto thing and it had real reindeer outside. This is the conversation that was had:

"aww look at those horses"
me: "no, they're reindeer"
"reindeer aren't real though. god"
me: "no, reindeer are real. this is proven as we're actually looking at four right now"
"no. they're fake, father christmas is fake, so are they"
me: *sigh*

oh god and ALSO, my ex girlfriend and i were in the house alone one night and the electricity went. i was getting my coat to go out to the shop to top they key up, and she was like.

"i need the toilet. be quick!" i was like "take the torch, it wont be that dark in there" and she was like "yeah but i'll feel disgusting because the chain won't flush if the electricty is gone"


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