Originally Posted by mr dave
i don't think he gets nearly as much attention as he deserves. might not be underrated, but definitely underappreciated (just like the band).
as for the ongoing inanity about Bush and 'post-grunge' (sound or style). if Bush sounds 'post-grunge' then Nirvana was the first post-grunge band because they pretty much sounded identical until Bush started trying to mix in late 90s electronica into their sound.
Bush are often classified as post-grunge but as I`ve said before and you have reiterated above they brought nothing new to the grunge scene to classified as post anything. Bush were just an English version of Nirvana but inferior in every conceivable capacity.
The problem with Soundgarden is that they often come behind Nirvana, Pearl Jam and AIC when people give opinions of these bands.
In terms of quality I see it as follows:
Nirvana> Soundgarden> Stone Temple Pilots> Alice in Chains> Pearl Jam> Mudhoney.
The first three easily would make my all-time top thirty bands as well.