Originally Posted by Samm
So the other day I downloaded Trout Mask Replica, being a big Zappa and residents fan. I expected to love it. Keep in mind, I've never heard anything by Beefheart before this album. and my conclusion is...
This is the worst music I have ever heard, if it even can be considered music. I would rather listen to Justin Beibers newest album on repeat for the rest of the week then sit through this album one more time. It it beyond horrible. I've heard Beefheart is a musical genius before, and I think he must be an Evil Genius, as this is so terrible it had to be made trying to be the most terrible it could be in every aspect
(Flame shield on!)
Naw! Beefheart is the best man ever. Trout Mask is a brilliant album, absolutely brilliant. At first I disliked him too though, I'll admit it.
Maybe you'll like this though, one of his more accessible songs I think. The main riff in this song is just quality...