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Old 07-29-2010, 12:55 PM   #71 (permalink)
mr dave
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
so it makes sense that it makes no sense... DO YOU REALIZE YOU'RE SPEAKING LIKE A TAOIST?!? we can't give a why because we run into a circle but THIS IS TRUE FOR EVERY QUESTION WE ASK BECAUSE THEY ALL LEAD BACK TO THE CIRCLE. i call it a miracle because it is what it is and it is what it has to be and its incomprehensible and paradoxical and yet it is AND THAT'S WHAT GOD IS! MY GOD MAN, DON'T YOU SEE?!?! i don't call it absurd and throw it away i call it beautiful and worship it!!!
but you can also likely wrap your head around the idea that everything is nothing and still smile where most other people would start cracking.

Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
We cannot know because the question comes down to "Why does causation exist?" This question asks for an answer that does not exist. The conclusion is that we cannot know what caused causation and that we shouldn't desire to know.
then why do you even bother getting out of bed in the morning? what's the point of having the ability to reason? to contemplate? to have critical thought? if we shouldn't desire to know we shouldn't have the ability to think for ourselves. admittedly it would be super awesome to going back to being a baby and having someone take care of every single need i might have and 'not desiring to know' answers to bigger questions, but that's just not a realistic perspective.

the answer to 'why?' is irrelevant, hence the purpose of personal belief.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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