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Thread: Soundgarden
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Old 07-29-2010, 12:43 AM   #133 (permalink)
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
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It's so weird to me that Soundgarden is lumped in with Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Alice In Chains. To me, they musically share very few traits with those three bands, even if they were getting big at the same time, and from the same place.

Used to only like bits and pieces of Soundgarden, but over the years, they've grown on me. One of those band I put down for years at one point in time, and picked up again, appreciating more than when I first listened.

Very decent Hard Rock band. Nothing too deep, but Spoonman, Limo Wreck, Blackhole Sun, Outshined, and Burden in my Hand will always be true classics in my eyes. Even have a taste for "Room a 1000 years wide".

Albeit, anything else Chris Cornell has ever done(especially his solo work) blows.
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