Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt
VEGANGELICA, I can't lie the feminist hippy stuff gets on my tits a fair bit, but you care more about the world you live in than a lot of people I've ever spoke to, even if I sometimes I get annoyed and find it a bit pretentious, you do speak with a lot of passion... Where as I, I couldn't really give a f*ck if the world imploded right now. So that's a credit to you.
Why, thank you, CunningStunt. I don't *mean* to get on your ti
ts. I...I thought my feet and my hippyness were firmly planted on the ground, but I stand corrected! Now that I know, I will tread more carefully when you're around.
Oh, how could you want your pretty little country to implode?! That would be very sad. I've heard Manchester isn't so pleasant, though. Maybe that's the problem.
Pretentious. Yeah, I get that a lot. I suppose it's hard not to be pretentious when I know I'm right.
(That was a joke, btw)
Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt
Duga - Scientist. That makes him cool.
I forgot about you being a biologist too, Duga! That *is* cool. Biologists are extraordinarily wonderful, lovely people. You also live close to Iowa, so that makes you even cooler. And you like shoegaze, which I don't mind, so that is a plus, as is the fact that I don't recall us ever viciously arguing. Have we? Or did I just block it out of my memory as a horrifying experience best forgotten.