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Thread: Soundgarden
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Old 07-25-2010, 11:13 AM   #113 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
STP were a terrible band, by why wouldn't I group them with those other bands? They played music that fit under the same vague umbrella as the others and were from the same time period. They're actually slightly older than Pearl Jam and Nirvana.
I also agree that STP would be under the grunge label, although they always had a slight different sound & style as some of the others bands did from the same era, (in my opinion) especially later on in their career with their '99 album release 'No.4' with the single Sour Girl, when compared to the traditional rock sound of STPs music, with other singles from the same album No.4 (singles) Down and No Way Out
But their debut album 'Core' was as grunge as you would want with singles like Wicked Garden, Plush and so on, in my opinion STP started to develope a more distinctive sounding personality musically with the release of Purple in '94, with singles like Interstate Love Song & Vasoline.
Core is my favorite album by STP, but I also liked the progression of their musical style with the album No.4 and the single Sour Girl, for example.
Their 2001 album release of Shangri-La Dee Da with the single, Days Of The Week, was even more to my own personal liking musically, Hollywood Bitch, etc.
I always liked Robert DeLeo as a bassist, underrated in my opinion.

SOUNDGARDEN. YouTube - Soundgarden - Spoonman
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