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Old 07-24-2010, 07:02 PM   #20 (permalink)
Goes back & does it again
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Fu‎ck yeah video game music.

So shi‎t, I love Fire Emblem games, first one in English is one of my favorite games ever, and it has a killer soundtrack.

When you're playing the game the music fits perfectly. It's brilliant. So are the rest.

Now here's a game with a great soundtrack. Lots of classic shi‎t here.

And that'll do it for the Under Appreciated Games With Awesome Soundtracks part of the post, now onto more well-known stuff.

You may notice that my latest scrobbles are the Diddy Kong Racing soundtrack.

One of my first games ever:

So was this:

A little bit later on...

Gives me the creeps even now. That game still terrifies me sometimes.

In the sports department, NHL 99 had a great soundtrack. Perfect industrial-sounding stuff for a game where the commentary consisted of gems like "NORTH-BOUND ON A SOUTH-BOUND FREEWAY, LOOK OUT!" and "WELCOME TO THE ROAD KILL CAFÉ"

Right around that time,

I have a lot of awesome memories of this game and the music is no exception.

No list including late-90's video game music is complete without this:

Both Paper Marios (I refuse to acknowledge the Wii version exists, for it is not turn-based) had amazing soundtracks.

And then, via the last Mario Party they ever should have made (because fu‎ck you those first 3 were amazing), we have some amazing music. Pretty much every board is great on the sound department.



More RTS goodness:

Something incredibly recent, and amazing:

Though not made for the game, it's still great.

It'd be a crime to leave this off the list:
YouTube - Pokemon Red, Yellow, Blue Battle Music- Trainer
YouTube - Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal - Rival Battle Theme
YouTube - Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal - Champion Battle

Then there's this:

Awesome remix of this, which I've never played.

You've got me started. There's no hope for you now.

(I might edit this post in a bit with links instead of embeds)

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