Kid Icarus is an awesome game but indeed quite hard. Thank god for passwords.
Good call on Bonk's Revenge, that's a great game from a pretty underrated series. I definitely recommend getting a TurboGrafx16 emulator and checking that game out among others.
Mario Galaxy had a superb soundtrack as did Brawl and Twilight princess. I still think Nintendo are top of the tier in soundtracks. Most of the PS3/360 games I've played don't really make soundtracks an important part of the gaming experience and a lot of it is just background music that you wouldn't really want to listen to on it's own.
Picking a favorite soundtrack is tough but I'm especially fond of the Sega Genesis soundtracks. Some of my favorites.
Everyone knows this one.
Very jazzy techno stuff. This might be my favorite soundtrack ever.
Same guy who did the Streets of Rage music, a little jazz and funk mixed with techno and a very oriental vibe to it as well.
F*cking epic.
This was back when Sonic Team games had fantastic music and not nu metal bands and Akon.
Castlevania has a rep for awesome soundtracks overall.
It just adds more awesomeness to an already awesome game.
Last edited by boo boo; 07-24-2010 at 03:47 PM.