James-I ****ing hate your avatar. i just want to punch that face to the point where it loses recognition every time i see it. other than that, seems like a pretty intelligent dude musically
kayleigh-really nice/cute girl and i'd love to hear that Scottish accent sometime, hehe. but yeah, seems to be pretty heavy in the electronic scene, would love a few recommendations as i'm a bit of an electro noob
TheCunningStunt-seems like we would have some good conversations, not just about music, but sometimes when i hear him force an opinion on others/not accept that other people like different things, it just bugs me.
TumorAttitude-seems pretty cool, but sometimes i feel she puts on an act on here and doesn't open up as much as she can
jackhammer-while we're not the most compatible musically, and he outright hates some of the stuff i love, he still a class act and is always there to help and recommend stuff for me
Janszoon-with not only being in Philly but also living near where i go to school, it'd be cool if we ran into each other sometime, haha